Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday~Otherwise known as Best Intentions Day...

Ahhhh, so it is Tuesday once again. It always seems I have the best of intentions to do something on this day....well run on this day really. If I am honestly going to run the Half this year I need to step up my running routine and not be so
sporadic. So I really need to run Tues, Thurs and Sat or Sun. Even a small run on Weds wouldn't be a bad idea every other week of so. I am not going to let this day just be filled with good intentions, but filled with action! I WILL run tonight! Elijah has scouts and there is a great trail/path in the area of his meeting. It gives me an hour and I really just need to get a 4-5 mile run done, so this leaves plenty of time!!!
I know I will feel better once I just do it, I always do. It's just getting to the point of doing. Gonna strap on the new running shoes after work so I'll be ready to go once I get E to scouts. No excuses, no "good intentions", just good ol' cleansing running!!! ineed to take the plunge and register for the Half to make my goal real! I need to put my running log in a VERY visible place as a DAILY reminder! I do enjoy running and I love that I know what I'm doing and have all the gear to get outside and go! It's gotten a little warmer this week, so there shoud be NO problem! Next step, get a light so I feel safer running in the dark...or runner's mace....hmmmm.... ;)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Snow Go AWAY!

Guess I can't REALLY complain about the snow, I still made it out for my worokouts.
Managed to run 2.5 miles on Wed before Kickboxing class,
Thurs I met up with the Y class for a mile fun outdoors (2 of those miles being "tempo),
Fri I took a break because I wore completely the wrong shoes at work for as much walking as I did that day!
Sat ran 6.25 miles outdoors and shot hoops for a half hour w Elijah
Sun (today) still debating~currently playing Wii sports with Elijah-that's gotta count for something, right? ;) AND I did shovel what felt like 3 feet of snow today, so I think I'm good!
We have our menu all planned for next week so we're ready to go on that end! Also have my workouts lined up with Bootcamp back in the mix on Saturday mornings with Karrie!! :)
Think I'll take E to shoot hoops more often because it was a lot of fun!!! Maybe even sledding will make it on the calendar again soon!

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Week

Starting a new week with new running shoes! Yippee!!! I am feeling a little dizzy today so I may rest my body and not go to spinning tonight. I will definitely run tomorrow night though followed by kickboxing on Wednesday. Elijah and I took advantage of the warmer weather and our day off and hit the bike trail. We went for a nice long 6 mile walk. Elijah was a trooper!! We even had the occasional snow ball fight along the way! :) We're also going to hit the courts a couple of times this week to hone up on our bball skills. Most likely we will do this on Tues and/or Thurs night. Wew have our dinners planned for the week as well so we're well on our way to moving and eating right this week!

Tonight Tacos
Tues Valentinos (Gonna eat more salad than pizza)
Wed Sandwhiches (busy night)
Thurs Baked Fried Chicken
Fri Hamburgers (lean turkey)
Sat Chili
Sun Hot Dogs (lean turkey dogs)
Making sure we're having frutis and veggies each night as well!

Friday, January 14, 2011


As Karrie pointed out, I haven't blogged in a while~thanks Karrie! I needed the reminder. Maybe it's because my focus has slipped a bit as well. Last weekend I went to KC w E and a friend and was in "vacation" mode. My eating was off and my workouts were non-existent! I did at least make it to spinning class on Monday. I intending to go to kickboxing on Wed but my childcare/taxi had other plans that night. So then I told myslef I'd run at home...didn't happen. Then I was going to go to spinning class last night before my nephew came over. Elijah made a big stink about going to child watch and I figured I could get a run in on the treadmill at home...again didn't happen. I need to stik to my schedule and hold myself accountable!!!! Made it on the treadmill today and headed to bootcamp tomorrow! I feel much better. I've gotta stop talking myself out of working out because I always feel better once I just do it!!!
Taking Elijah sledding today so I'm counting as a workout in itself! Plus it'll be fun!!!
Elijah and I will be doing our meal planning Sat afternoon for next week. We haven't done it yet and I will share all about it once we get it done!! :)
Thanks Karrie for helping me stay accountable!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

De-Stress not Distress

Sometimes I need a reminder to de-stress and NOT distress! I know there was a lot of sadness in the world yesterday and some of it came out of Omaha and hit home in Lincoln. As a parent it makes me wonder what I should be doing differently now. Lord knows I can't predict the future and can't save my son from everything, especially the unknown. I can only love him the best way I know how and pray for the best. Elijah has his only struggles and at age 8 it makes me worry about how he'll be as he gets older. I can only instill him in daily to do the right thing and to start fresh when we've had a bad day. Yesterday was a challenging day for us as well, obviously not as jugley disturbing in the larger scheme of things, but big enough for us. E struggled with some behavior issues and wasn't able to go to the after school program at school. His words and actions scared another little girl and really shook her up. He did write an apology letter to her first thing this morning and put money in the "swearing jar". He'll also be helping before and after school to clean and help with other projects as needed. I love him so much and am grateful for all the support we receive. I can only do my best.
On another note, the kickboxing class last night was pretty good. I would definitely entertain the idea of going each week. It will be a nice addition to my schedule:

Tues run
Fri:spinning or run

This does allow for a day or two to skip when/if needed so no worries.
I have my half marathon training schedule printed out and hung up. I just don't want to give up too much of the cross training activities I have going. I will definitely have to play around and find the right balance.
I am looking forward to spinning class tonight, a short run on Friday and maybe again Saturday and taking Sunday off. GO CHIEFS!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Reality not Slacking

I am taking the plunge today to officially register for the Half Marathon. I was battling a bit of guilt for not undertaking the Full again this year. A friend kindly reminded me to not bite off more than I can chew and to make it fun! Because really, what's the point if it's not fun? I know I can run a full, I've done it before and I can do it again another time. This year it's just not in the cards. New Perspective is my goal this year, not run until I drop! Elijah and I have plans to do more things together and I want to have more time with friends. Committing to a Full marathon running schedule would defeat the purpose of accomplishing these new goals. Also in order to remain healthy a Full marathon would not allow that to happen for me. I am going to run because it feels good. It's going to happen this year without pressure of a goal time or anything else. I will run it purely for the fun of it! There's always next year for the Full. My body and mind are telling me to take a small break but not to give up on what I love completely. By running the Half I am facing reality of my current situation and giving myself permission to step back a notch. It's not slacking, it's just the reality of what's best for me right now. Thanks to everyone for your support along the way. I'm gonna need it. I may need the occasional reminder that it's ok to slow down in order to do what's right for me and my family.
I am going to try a new class with Karrie tonight~Kickboxing! I am looing forward to it. Hoping it meets our expectations so we can make it a part of our weekly routine. I need something other than spinning 3 times a week and once a week bootcamp. Hoping Kickboxing fits the bill!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

So Far So Good

Well it's almost midway through day 3 of the new year and so far so good! I made time for family and friends this past weekend and it felt great! My focus for this week will be dinner meal planning. Elijah will be included in this so he can have a say and I can have leverage when it comes time for him to try something new. Plus by planning our meals weekly it will bring ease to our weekly grocery shopping, we'll be a team, and we'll be able to have a nice relaxing meal time once again. When I don't meal plan I just throw random things together and sometimes I skip anything for myself althogether. I find there is great value in sitting down and dining together. Plus as Elijah begins earning an allowance this year it will add to his list of repsonsibilities to help more with the meals. All in all we'll both benefit from this goal!
I am proud of my mom for voicing her concerns on her feelings in regards to overdoing it at the gym this past week. I am NOT overdoing it...yet and I am taking tomorrow off to rest. In the past I don't think my mom would call me on my self destructive behavior, so thank you for caring enough to say something!! Love you mom!!! Health and Happiness in 2011!!! So far so good :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Starting off Right

In 2011 I am shifting gears! I will no longer be concentrating only on running. I still love to run and will continue to run. This year I will focus on incorporating friends, fun, and enjoyment on my quest to health and happiness. Last year's full marathon and the training leading up to it was wonderful. I met a lot of great people and truly enjoyed the experience. This year I want to focus on enjoying health and fitness with my lifelong friends as well as my son. 2010 had its ups and downs and ending on a pretty good note. All in all I know I am a very fortunate person and I want concentrate on all that's good in my life. Unfortunately committing to training regime for the full marathon does not fit the bill this year. I am still considering training for half marathon because anyone who knows me knows I can't give it up completely. I am thankful for my gym buddy and am looking forward to our old favorites as well as new fitness classes. Also our random cardio sessions. I am also looking forward to shooting hoops and running laps with my kiddo! 2011 is going to be a good year and it's going to feel great! This blog will keep my committed to myself, my son, and my friends. I will fill my bucket this year by filling those around me. Speaking of my gym buddy, can't wait to see you today!!!!