Wednesday, March 30, 2011


As Karrie so kindly and lovingly pointed out, I have not been blogging nor really following her blog for quite some time~shame on me!!! So here I am once again, after reading a few of her recent posts I remembered this really only takes a few minutes of my day and I have those to spare. I love hearing how others are doing and I like to have an outlet to share how things are going for me as well. So here's what's happening: State Farm was this past Sat and I was not overjoyed by my performance. I realize that I should be proud of myself for just getting out there and doing it. I didn't do terrible by any means if you just look at my time. I wanted to do better and I wanted to FEEL better! I went for a quick 4 mi run last night and felt wonderful and like I was flying down the road! Last night felt MUCH better than Sat and has renewed my spirit as I train for Papillion in May. I am looking forward to spin class with Karrie tonight. I have not been to spin since last Wed~silly chemical leak at the Y! I will also run tomorrow night while Elijah is at soccer practice. We will be tryin gour first gluten free pizza from Godfather's for a family dinner with my brother while he is on leave from Afghanistan~should be interesting :) Friday I am hoping to spin at lunch or run 2 or 3 miles that evening. Saturday I will be doing yard work at my parents so I will miss bootcamp again and probably for the next couple of weeks. Sunday will be my long run and I hope to incorporate hills to be truly ready for the course in Papillion. All in all life isn't too bad. I've read one memoir of a recovering bulimic and have started another one. I wasn't too sure about this second one, but as I get into more I think it'll be pretty good. I've found myself slightly relasping and I need to remind myself of all the fabulous (and scary) reasons NOT to relapse any further!