Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Road Warrior 1st Homework

Write one accomplishment I've achieved that makes me awesome. Celebrating where I am NOW. 

I am the once chosen to be Elijah's mom. No one else was selected for this role. It's me and only me. We are meant for each other. I may not always know what I'm doing or even be doing it well, but I love him with everything I've got. No one else can love him the way I do. Whenever I have doubt that I'm doing it right or if I even have it all together, I only have to take one look at him and know that if I do nothing else, I will always be his mom. And being Elijah's mom will always me the best thing I accomplish. Being Elijah's mom makes me awesome through his awesomeness. And yes, I'm glad that I can recognize that at the end of the day, my most accomplishment isn't running related.