Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Still Motivated...really

It's been a week and a day since my last post. I am happy to say I ran 5 miles last Tuesday while Elijah had scouts. It was a very hilly 5 miles with snow and ice in areas. I felt great when I was done and very glad for the appropriate gear to run outside. Wednesday I was able to meet Karrrie at the Northeast Y and kickboxing was subbed for TurboKick. It was a pretty okay class and I wouldn't mind trying it again, still like the kickboxing they usually have though. Thurs I donated blood and felt good about saving a life. So I decided to play it safe and not work out like they suggest. Friday I unfortunately had something come up at work and missed the noon spinning class. I have yet to really make it apart of my weekly routine,but hope to soon! Saturday I ran 4 miles before going to bootcamp. What a difference a month makes! I like that it's a smaller class and he always does something different! The next day my abs and shoulders sure felt the workout! WOW!! Glad to be back though and looking forward to next time! Sunday ended up being another day off for me. I had planned on a 7 mile run but stayed out too late on Sat nite. Sat was fun so I won't be myself up over it, but I really need to be getting my weekly miles in!!! Monday was a crappy weather day but E and I bucked it up and made it to spinning class. Again~very glad I did! Yesterday I thought real hard about jumping on my treadmill, but it didn't get past being just a thought. Today I am meeting Karrie at the NE Y for some cardio and weights, so I will be glad to get my run in today!! Tomorrow I will definitely run after work. I will dress for it before I leave work, as I would if I were going to the gym. That way when I get home I will be all set to go on my treadmill! Gotta get to where 5 miles is my easy breezy base!
The meal planning each night as also helped cut down on the hectiness in the evenings. Now if the weather would just cooperate so I can get to the grocery store!!!!!
Hanging in there and trying to hang tough! I will be so glad when all this white stuff disappears so I will feel more motivated to get out and about!!!